Arête or The Pursuit of Excellence


Pursuing Excellence Create Art Podcast Style

In the pursuit of excellence, I am pushing myself to higher and more transparent levels. My wife gave me a box of cards for the holidays in 2022. I was puzzled because they were creativity cards and I thought, what the heck is this, I don't need creativity cards. Well, folks, I was wrong and I will be attempting to do a card a week and record an episode each week about how I am utilizing the card I draw every week. If you decide to pick up a deck and do these let me know.

Excellent Links Mentioned In The Show


Indie Pod Con

Super Joe Pardo Show

Kickstart Creativity

What is Arête or The Pursuit of Excellence?

From Wikipedia

In its earliest appearance in Greek, this general notion of excellence was ultimately bound up with the notion of the fulfillment of purpose or function: the act of living up to one's full potential. A person of arete is of the highest effectiveness; they use all of their faculties—strength, bravery, and wit—to achieve real results. In the Homeric world, arete involves all of the abilities and potentialities available to humans. Though particularly associated with 'manly' qualities,[1] the Homeric usage of the term was not necessarily gender specific, as Homer applied the term to both the Greek and Trojan heroes as well as major female figures, such as Penelope, the wife of the Greek hero Odysseus. In the Homeric poems, arete is frequently associated with bravery, but more often with effectiveness.

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[00:00:18] Hello friends. This is Timothy Kim O'Brien, your head instigator for Create Art Podcast, where I take my over 20 years in arts and education and help you. Tame your inner critic and create more than you consume. So at the time of this recording, it's 2023 and I gotta say my wife got me a great Christmas gift last year in 2022.[00:00:48] She got me this deck of cards and it's not a normal deck of cards. It's called Kickstart Creativity. 50 prompted cards to Spark Inspiration, and it's by Bonnie Smith White House. And I'm sure we'll have links to this where you can get it in the show notes. So with Kickstart Creativity cards, there are the action cards.[00:01:17] Which offers an opportunity to experiment or play with a surprising joy-inducing method? Sure. To stretch your creative muscles, each card suggests and briefly describes a specific action. There are also perspective cards, which are green, and they reveal a fresh mindset, a different lens, or an illuminating way of viewing one's work of the work you have before you.[00:01:45] Creative spirits, past and present will often be invoked on perspective, pers perspective cards. And then intention cards invoke a deeper service value, significance, or meaning to which you and your work can aspire. . Now you can, you know, draw one card at a time and if you do that, just, you know, draw any card as a daily or a weekly practice or, you know, draw one when you need a quick hit of inspiration.[00:02:24] You could draw two cards. Draw paired juxtapositions. . And how they do it is, you know, like a red and blue card or a blue and green card or however. And that I actually know you have to draw an action card in one intention card and it could help you or your collaborators imagine how a project could aspire to serve your community or world on a deeper level.[00:02:52] Or you can draw three cards. And you divide the deck into action, perspective, and intention. You draw one from each pile and you construct a narrative action, perspective, and intention for the work you are doing or for the path ahead. . So what am I gonna do with this? Well, I'm gonna try to do it once a week and I'm going to, I'm gonna read off the card to you, see what it's all about, and then I'll do my commentary on it and let you know what I think about it.[00:03:26] So here is today's card. All right, so today's card is an intention card. So it's a blue card, and the word for today is, and I'm probably gonna mispronounce it