May 5, 2024

Commentary Being Casual

Commentary Being Casual
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Create Art Podcast

Making Fun A Habit Series

30 days to add fun to your creative practice. I will go through Mike Brennan's Make Fun A Habit workbook and help you make fun a habit. I had the pleasure of interviewing Mike on my other podcast Find A Podcast About and talking about his podcast Creative Chats. This workbook leads you through steps to rekindle the fun in your life and get you into a space where you are your most creative. This is a 30-day book and I will be tackling each day as if it were a week and providing you insights on how you can use his ideas in your creative practice. Each chapter is broken up with a short story, questions to ponder, action items, and tips.

You're Never to Fancy to Have Fun

Sometimes our art gets too formal and we forget the joy of creating tings. By loosening up and having fun with our friends and coworkers we can shake things up and maybe release some pent up energy to create something wonderful. At worst you will have stories to tell, at best you have had a great time and have enjoyed each others company, and if we take it one step further and let our audiences in on the fun, they will have a great time and want to come back for more. Don't take yourself too seriously.

Question to ponder

  • What were some of the activities you enjoyed as a child?
  • How can you incorporate some of those things in your life today?
  • What stops you from being silly? What's an easy next step to get you moving in the right direction?
  • Who do you know who seems to have fun naturally? Pan a get-together and talk to them about how they engage with fun and play

Action item: Host a party for your friends or coworkers. Have everyone dress up as fancy or as formal as they can. Provide fancy foods, and fine dining, and set an elegant atmosphere but then serve up a pattern interpreter. Hand out silly hats or pirate eye patches for people to wear. For evening activities, bring out Legos, play twister, and have a water gun fight, give everyone a can of silly string, just get creative, and let fun out, to play together.


  • play games
  • do arts and crafts
  • go on an adventure
  • learn new things
  • just be silly

Reach Out To The Podcast

To reach out to me, email I would love to hear about your journey and what you are working on. If you would like to be on the show or have me discuss a topic that is giving you trouble write in and let's start that conversation.

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