April 2, 2021


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Create Art Podcast

Project Details

Hello friend, I am Timothy Kimo Brien, head instigator at Create Art Podcast where we help you to tame the inner critic and create more than we consume. Every year in April National Poetry Writing Month occurs, this is a challenge to write 30 poems in 30 days and comes from the NaPoWriMo site. When you participate you are given a prompt every day for 30 days and you can choose to follow the prompt or not. Each prompt has a commentary with it and a style of poetry that you may not be familiar with. I enjoy it because it stretches my creative muscles and helps me organize my thoughts. I also really enjoy a good challenge. There is also an opportunity to read other people's work as they post on their websites and for you to comment on their work, giving them encouragement or offering a suggestion. Care to join me on this journey?

Day 2 Prompt

In the world of well-known poems, maybe there’s no gem quite so hoary as Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken.” Today, I’d like to challenge you to write a poem about your own road not taken – about a choice of yours that has “made all the difference,” and what might have happened had you made a different choice.

Day 2 Poem

Almost Left

You were sleeping off anther bad night of drinking

As I was out on the hotel patio changing my flight plans

We were to visit the justice of the peace in two days

Your hangover brought the news that my flight was in a few hours

I had packed up all my belongings to go back to Chicago

We filled up the car with gas and started the long drive to the airport

You turned on the radio and tuned in a random station

I wanted to escape so I lit another cigarette

The song spoke of love that we had but feared

Your tears made you swerve many times almost ending us

My anxiety went through the roof and to calm myself I listened to the words

We sat in the parking lot, and then we walked towards the counter

You begged for another chance, you swore off drinking so much

I didn’t want to hear your excuses and I was loosing my nerve

We agreed to have me come back when we were both better

You turned to me and kissed me deeply, letting me feel you falter

I seconded guessed myself and threw caution to the wind

We drove back to the hotel, crying, sober and recovered

And now, after years of surgeries and medical procedures

When I feel that I am going down this path alone

I realize I could truly be alone going through my hell

Waiting for the ticking in my brain to go off

Being in true isolation in the midst of a crowd

I’d have given up, thrown in my lot with death

But I can’t, because you have given me immortality

You have given me my prominent job title Papa

Reaching Out

To reach out to me, email timothy@createartpodcast.com I would love to hear about your journey and what you are working on. If you would like to be on the show or have me discuss a topic that is giving you trouble write in and lets start that conversation.