Oct. 24, 2020

Commentary : Gratitude in Art

Commentary : Gratitude in Art
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Create Art Podcast

Today's topic

Welcome friend to Create Art Podcast where we create more than we consume. I am Timothy Kimo Brien your thankful head instigator with over 20 years in arts and education helping you tame your inner critic and provide you with commentary, interviews, discussions, and projects that will inspire you to create art. Today's episode is a commentary on Gratitude in Art. The kicker is not only will we be talking about gratitude, but you will see it in action during this episode.

Why Gratitude?

When we appreciate what we have, it helps our mental state and reminds us of what we have accomplished. Gratitude is a two-step process: looking back and verbalizing what we have accomplished and then making an action plan for what we want to accomplish in the future. Gratitude comes from Latin gratus, loosely translated means pleasing, thankful.

Putting Gratitude Into Practice

In this episode I want to thank the people who have been on the show and discuss why I appreciate their contributions.

  • Cliff, a listener that has written in to timothy@createartpodcast.com who has expressed his gratitude for what he has learned through this podcast
  • Scott Murray from The Crimson Files and Comic Book Noob podcast for his insights on podcasting and audio drama.
  • C.J. Robinson from The Poetry Novelist for his unique approach to podcasting by being open and unpretentious in his review of other poets and writers.
  • Joel Ciaccio for his podcast in hiatus The Hack sessions Podcast. We did double duty in our combined episodes talking about T.S. Elliot, one of our favorite poets.
  • Brandon Larson, my former boss. We talked about talent and management styles, he must be good because he put up with me.
  • Tia Sunshine Dye, we talked about watercolors and her regional showing. She has a wonderful website for her work and has reasonably priced work.
  • York Campbell from Poetic Earthlings podcast. We discussed creativity in a pandemic and how he produces his podcast with excellent production values and challenging topics.
  • Christopher Simms, we discussed his history with poetry and political art. It was a great time to catch up with him and receive a deeper appreciation of his work.
  • Kyle Bondo, has been working with me on our podcast Podwrecked, and has been my podcasting mentor since 2016. We discussed his attempt at NaPoWriMo and how he uses poetry in his IT job.
  • Mathew Passey, not a guest, but another mentor that audited my podcast and website. he provided many insights that help me create this podcast for you.

Lessons Learned in Gratitude

Gratitude reminds us we are not alone on our artistic journey. There are others who helped us along the way, make sure to reach out to them. The subject of gratitude has been used by others in their art discipline, try it out as subject material if you are stuck on ideas. Doing a project based on gratitude can help improve your mental health and push you through any blocks that you have that are stifling your creativity.

Closing Thoghts

Use gratitude in your work, it may take you out of a bad space and it will bring your audience closer and provide a more intimate connection.

To reach out to me, email timothy@createartpodcast.com I would love to hear about your journey and what you are working on. If you would like to be on the show or have me discuss a topic that is giving you trouble write in and lets start that conversation.


I will be closing down KDOI Podcasting, my old podcast about creating art, and putting those episodes here. Be on the look out. I have a number of gems that I know you will enjoy.