
July 17, 2023


The word genius gets passed around and do we really understand what genius is and how to measure it? Let's talk about the genius you are. Reach Out To The Podcast To reach out to me, email I would love to hear about your journey and what you are…

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July 17, 2023


Why should you use movement in your creative practice, well it is good for your health and it can provide that break you need. Reach Out To The Podcast To reach out to me, email I would love to hear about your journey and what you are working on.…

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June 27, 2023


Talking about using your fantasies to inspire your work and add a touch of unreality to it in order to inspire your audience.

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June 18, 2023

Commentary Embodiment

How can you really put yourself in your work, so much so that you embody your work? Let’s find out what embodiment means together.

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June 13, 2023

Commentary Detachment

Discussing how to use detachment in your art to make it better emotionally for you and for your audience. Learn to detach with purpose.

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June 12, 2023

Commentary Connection

Discussing how to make connections with your audience and your world when it comes to your artistic journey.

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June 12, 2023

Commentary Detachment

Discussing how to use detachment in your art to make it better emotionally for you and for your audience. Learn to detach with purpose.

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June 4, 2023

Commentary Connection

Discussing how to make connections with your audience and your world when it comes to your artistic journey.

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May 31, 2023

Commentary Awe

Discussing how to be affected by awe and how to translate that into your art. go out and find something that is awesome

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May 31, 2023

Interview Iconic Composers with Emi Ferguson

New book from Trope Press on Iconic Composers. I talk with Emi Ferguson, a flautist and composer about why we need to read this book.

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May 27, 2023

Commentary: Attention

My take on being attentive in your artistic practice. If you don’t pay attention to your work, who will? Get ideas on how to be attentive.

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May 15, 2023


Discussing how to embrace imperfection and finding the beauty in acceptance of the imperfect things in our life.

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May 15, 2023

Wabi Sabi

Discussing how to embrace imperfection and finding the beauty in acceptance of the imperfect things in our life.

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May 12, 2023


Discussing the necessity of rest in our artistic practice. Learn why rest is or should be an essential part of your practice.

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May 7, 2023

Commentary Rest

Source: Practice Rest Taking time out to recover and finding time to rest is essential to avoid burnout. Give yourself the grace to rest. My wife gave me a box of cards for the holidays in 2022. I was puzzled because they were creativity cards and I thought, what…

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May 3, 2023

April 28 2023 NaPoWriMo

National Poetry Writing Month

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May 3, 2023

April 30 2023 NaPoWriMo

National Poetry Writing Month

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May 3, 2023

April 29 2023 NaPoWriMo

National Poetry Writing Month

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April 29, 2023

April 27 2023 NaPoWriMo

National Poetry Writing Month

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April 29, 2023

April 28 2023 NaPoWriMo

National Poetry Writing Month

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April 28, 2023

April 26 2023 NaPoWriMo

National Poetry Writing Month

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April 25, 2023

April 25 2023 NaPoWriMo

National Poetry Writing Month

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April 24, 2023

April 24 2023 NaPoWriMo

National Poetry Writing Month

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April 24, 2023

Poetry Prompt for April 24, 2023

Source: History of National Poetry Writing Month National Poetry Writing Month (also known as NaPoWriMo) is a creative writing project held annually in April in which participants attempt to write a poem each day for one month. NaPoWriMo coincides with National Poetry Month in the United States of America…

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