Commentary Creating Out In The Wild

Welcome to the show

Hi there friend, this is Timothy Kimo Brien, your head instigator for Create Art Podcast where I take my 20-plus years of experience in the arts and education world and help you tame your inner critic and create more than you consume.

Why is Creating In Front of Your Audience Great

This episode is a continuation of the last episode where I was talking about being ready when inspiration strikes. In this episode, I will be talking about creating in the wild.  So, let's say you are at the coffee shop on your laptop or pulling out your sketchpad, what's next? That is what I would like to talk about today, we will be exploring common courtesy, dealing with someone looking over your shoulder or asking questions, and how to maximize your time in order to get that initial inspiration back to your workspace. 

Article on Creating In Public

Why You Need to Stop Hiding Your Art and Practice in Public  

Reaching Out To The Podcast

To reach out to me, email I would love to hear about your journey and what you are working on. If you would like to be on the show or have me discuss a topic that is giving you trouble write in and let's start that conversation.

YouTube Channel: Create Art Podcast YT Channel
IG: @createartpodcast
Twitter: @createartpod

Special Request

If you received some new insight or idea from this episode please share it with a friend that may have the same issues. Also, let me know what would make this episode a 5-star episode in your opinion. I want to make the content something that you find value in and would pass along to others. When we share resources like this we all win, we all get our work out to our audiences and create networks that will stand the test of time.

Special Note

One last thing I want to leave you with is an important issue for many of the listeners of this podcast and that is individual liberty.

While Americans overwhelmingly support the right of an individual to make their own decisions about abortion, unfortunately, that right is no longer protected everywhere in the U.S.

The Supreme Court overturned Roe versus Wade on June 24th.

Abortion is a basic healthcare need for the millions of people who can become pregnant. Everyone should have the freedom to decide what’s best for themselves and their families, including when it comes to ending a pregnancy. This decision has dire consequences for individual health and safety and could have harsh repercussions for other landmark decisions.

Restricting access to comprehensive reproductive care, including abortion, threatens the health and independence of all Americans. Even if you live in a state where abortion rights are upheld, access to safe medical procedures shouldn’t be determined by location, and it shouldn't be the privilege of a small few.

You can help by donating to local abortion funds. To find out where to donate for each state, visit donations 4 abortion dot com. That’s the number 4.

If you or someone you know needs help, or if you want to get more involved, here are 5 resources. One. Shout Your Abortion is a campaign to normalize abortion. Two. Don’t Ban Equality is a campaign for companies to take a stand against abortion restrictions. Three. Abortion dot cafe has information about where to find clinics. Four. provides early at-home abortion pills that you can keep in your medicine cabinet. And five. has a collection of these resources and more.