Nov. 30, 2020

Project : NaPodPoMo NaNoWriMo 29 Nov 2020

Project : NaPodPoMo NaNoWriMo 29 Nov 2020
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Create Art Podcast



Todays Topic

Welcome friend to Create Art Podcast where we create more than we consume. I am Timothy Kimo Brien your thankful head instigator with over 20 years in arts and education helping you tame your inner critic and provide you with commentary, interviews, discussions, and projects that will inspire you to create art. This month I will be podcasting daily and writing a novel in 30 days. I am participating in NaPodPoMo and NaNoWriMo. You will be able to listen to what I wrote for the day and read it at the same time. I like to practice what I preach when it comes to art so I am challenging myself to write and having you come along for the ride. I hope this inspires you to accomplish your goals with your art and if you would like to share what you are doing email me at

29 Nov 2020  1754  daily count    47386 cumulative count

                “How are you doing Carl,” asked Cheryl?

                “Well we had an interesting time at the pizza place. I think she had an episode like mine. It reminded me of mine and I almost had one myself. Since then she has pretty much reverted to where she was yesterday when we picked her up. Maybe the excitement of yesterday explains what she was saying this morning. It doesn’t explain the physical manifestations of what she was saying however,” replied Carl.

                “Maybe todays events go down in the diary. That seems pretty noteworthy,” replied Cheryl.

                “I don’t think so, remember, we only get 5 entries and the last one must detail how we gave the diary away. Plus I think that when we write that last entry, we have a limited amount of time before we pass away,” replied Carl.

                Myra sat at the kitchen table and devoured her milk and muffin with relish. Carl poured another cup of coffee and warmed it in the microwave as Cheryl made a face of disgust.

                “Warmed up coffee, really it is a good thing you have me in your life to get you out of that habit,” said Cheryl sarcastically.

                “Hey I don’t like to have any waste, I make a pot I drink a pot. Its very environmentally minded don’t you think,” asked Carl?

                “I think it is a crime against your tastebuds. Okay so what is the plan for today,” asked Cheryl.

                “Well Nate and Angela already stopped by with more toys and they took the clothes that don’t fit. Tomorrow we are going over to Nate’s house and talk while Myra has a great time playing with Nate’s kids. So really nothing planned for today other than dinner and maybe a movie since it is Friday night. Maybe we could start up a tradition with that, what kind of movie would you like Myra,” sked Carl?

                “My dad and I didn’t watch too much TV, usually some PBS specials or science shows,” replied Myra.

                “I have an idea, Myra and I will cook for our dinner and then Carl you pick a movie you think we may all like,” said Cheryl. “How are you in the kitchen Myra?”

                “I like helping, but I don’t have any recipes we usually had TV dinners or take out because my dad didn’t know how to cook anything,” replied Myra.

                “Well I know how to cook, and we know Carl can cook up some good things. What are you in the mood for Carl,” asked Cheryl?

                “Something easy that Myra can learn how to do right away, how about poutine,” replied Carl.

                “I don’t know how to make that, lets do some gyro’s and a Greek salad. How does that sound to you Myra, oh I forgot to ask, any food allergies that you know of,” asked Cheryl?

                “Just oranges, I can eat other kinda of fruit, but just not oranges,” said Myra.

                “I have the same allergy, when did you find out about yours,” asked Carl?

                “When I was about three or four, I had some orange juice for breakfast and then I couldn’t breathe,” replied Myra.

                “That is when I discovered my allergy, wow not many people have that allergy. Okay so Cheryl, no orange chicken ever from the Chinese place and no orange juice or orange cleaners. Otherwise you will have two people going into shock very quickly. I like the idea of gyro’s, but I don’t have the ingredients,” said Carl.

                “Myra and I can go to the store and grab them, would you like to get out of this stuffy apartment and run with me to the store,” asked Cheryl?

                “Sure, can I go Carl,” asked Myra?

                “Let me talk to Cheryl for a minute okay. Yes you can go, we just need to have a quick talk,” said Carl as he motioned Cheryl to the office. Myra finished off her milk and muffin and threw her trash away and then sat on the couch and opened up the book she had been reading for days. Carl and Cheryl went to the office and sat down.

                “So now she is calling me Carl again, I think that episode jolted her back into reality. Just watch her close at the store, she went to the bathroom at the buffet and passed out. I got so nervous that it almost caused me to have an episode, and that has never happened. I’ve never really been able to pinpoint why I get my episodes but this time I would say it was stress induced. Just do me a favor, if she needs to go to the bathroom go with her, obviously I can’t that would be weird, but just be with her at all times okay. If she goes into an episode she is harder to pull out of it than I am so be patient and let me know right away. I can run over to the store and help her out,” said Carl softly to Cheryl.

                “I’ll stick to her like glue. I’d like you to take nap while we are out okay, I know you have got to be exhausted,” said Cheryl.

                “I think that is a great idea, let me know if anything happens okay,” said Carl suddenly tired.

                They went back to the kitchen and Carl poured out the carafe of coffee that he had been drinking from. He set up another pot for the morning and Cheryl tapped Myra on the shoulder.

                “Time to go shopping and we will let Carl grab an hour of shut eye while we are gone okay,” said Cheryl.

                “Alright, can I bring my book along while you drive. I get car sick sometimes if I don’t have something to read,” asked Myra?

                “Of course, my driving is not the greatest so sometimes I read something while I drive in order not to get sick either,” joked Cheryl.

                They left Carl to go to the store. He laid down on the couch and turned on the TV. It was on the music channel again and before the next song could come on he turned it to a home improvement show. He put his phone on the coffee table and wondered if he should put on a blanket. The sun was going down slowly and by the time they got back he thought it would be early evening so he got up and turned on the kitchen light. It didn’t have much of an effect right now and wouldn’t disturb his sleep. He headed back to the couch and pulled up the blanket from the back of the couch. His eyes started to droop and finally he was softly snoring on the couch asleep.

                He was woken by his phone buzzing. It was his brother Nate calling him as he had a special pattern set for his brothers calls. Groggily he picked up the phone and looked around the apartment to see if Cheryl or Myra had come back from the store. When he didn’t see them he answered the phone, still under the blankets.

                “Whats up big bro,” carl asked?

                “Well Vince got some information that you need to know right away. Where is Myra,: asked Nate?

                “She and Cheryl went to the store to get stuff to make gyros and Greek salad for dinner tonight,” replied Carl starting to wake from his nap.

                “Myra’s father has been found,” said Nate coldly.

                “Okay, so where is he and when do we give Myra back I guess is the answer you want to hear,” said Carl.

                “No, he is dead Carl. Vince did a search of the motels within an hour of the coffee shop. They found her father dead at a motel just outside of the state lines. It was a suicide. The report says that he shot himself and one of the staff heard the shotgun blast. This happened this morning at around 6”30 in the morning. That is when according to you that Myra started to go off the rails a bit right,” asked Nate?

                “Yeah that sounds about the right time. But wait, she had an episode at the pizza buffet place this morning at about noon and since then she has been back to normal, well normal for her,” replied Carl not mentioning his own almost episode.

                “That is when the police found the body. At least we know he won’t be coming around looking for her. This does present a problem, if there is any trace of Myra’s stuff in the hotel room they wil be looking for her. Did she leave anything in the hotel room,” asked Nate?

                “She said they were staying at a hotel for about a month, but I wonder was it the same hotel room,” asked Carl?

                “I’ll have Vince look into that. Did she tell you the name of the hotel they were at,” asked Nate?

                “No, I am not sure she would remember it either, but I can ask her tonight. We are just going to have dinner and a movie here and go to bed early since everyone ad a crappy night of sleep. In fact you just woke me up from a nap,” said Carl.

                “Well I thought you might want to know about this development. Sorry for waking you form the nap. Tell you what, hold onto this information and I can talk with Myra tomorrow. No need to worry her about this tonight. You all need a good night of sleep for sure. Angela is working on Myra’s background investigation with Vince and his team. We may have more of the puzzle solved tomorrow. For tonight, just have fun, keep everything light and we will tackle more of this tomorrow. Be safe,” said Nate as he clicked off the phone.

                Carl was fully awake now. The TV was still playing a home improvement show and the sun had dipped behind the other apartment complex. He switched channels on the TV to have some music play, again he turned it to the jazz channel. Grover was playing another song.  Carl was beginning to feel that Myra’s father didn’t follow the instructions of the diary and was feeling the repercussions of his choice. He really wanted to read the last entry of the father but decided that if suicide was the fathers punishment, how much worse would his be. Maybe he would have to listen to Grover Bechet for the rest of his life in a straight jacket in a mental ward. 

Welcome friend to Create Art Podcast where we create more than we consume. I am Timothy Kimo Brien your thankful head instigator with over 20 years in arts and education helping you tame your inner critic and provide you with commentary, interviews, discussions, and projects that will inspire you to create art. This month I will be podcasting daily and writing a novel in 30 days. I am participating in NaPodPoMo and NaNoWriMo. You will be able to listen to what I wrote for the day and read it at the same time. I like to practice what I preach when it comes to art so I am challenging myself to write and having you come along for the ride. I hope this inspires you to accomplish your goals with your art and if you would like to share what you are doing email me at

The Story So Far


Reaching Out

To reach out to me, email I would love to hear about your journey and what you are working on. If you would like to be on the show or have me discuss a topic that is giving you trouble write in and lets start that conversation.