April 22, 2021


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Create Art Podcast

Project Details

Hello friend, I am Timothy Kimo Brien, head instigator at Create Art Podcast where we help you to tame the inner critic and create more than we consume. Every year in April National Poetry Writing Month occurs, this is a challenge to write 30 poems in 30 days and comes from the NaPoWriMo site. When you participate you are given a prompt every day for 30 days and you can choose to follow the prompt or not. Each prompt has a commentary with it and a style of poetry that you may not be familiar with. I enjoy it because it stretches my creative muscles and helps me organize my thoughts. I also really enjoy a good challenge. There is also an opportunity to read other people's work as they post on their websites and for you to comment on their work, giving them encouragement or offering a suggestion. Care to join me on this journey?

Day 22 Prompt

today I’d like to challenge you to write a poem that invokes a specific object as a symbol of a particular time, era, or place.

Day 22 Poem

Black Beauty

We are approaching 10 years

With me at the wheel and you getting us home

The day I brought you home

We already were breaking the law

Because the salesman forgot

To put the registration plate on you

You have turned on just about every time

That I placed the keys in your ignition

And you have seen two others die by the wayside

As they could not compete with you

Rarely have I ever let anyone drive you

Even when, perhaps, I should have

Those who have known me for the past 10 years

Have seen you by my side every time

My constant companion

My liberator from walking

The wings to my Sagittarius soul

I know one day we will be parted

You will be stripped of anything of value

And I will be partitioned to those who can use a spare lung

I hope that we will be together

Driving the roads in the afterlife

One window open

One song blasting the night away

One car, one man

Looking for freedom

On the road

Tank full of never ending gas

Riding till morning

And finally finding home

Reaching Out

To reach out to me, email timothy@createartpodcast.com I would love to hear about your journey and what you are working on. If you would like to be on the show or have me discuss a topic that is giving you trouble write in and lets start that conversation.