April 14, 2021


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Create Art Podcast

Project Details

Hello friend, I am Timothy Kimo Brien, head instigator at Create Art Podcast where we help you to tame the inner critic and create more than we consume. Every year in April National Poetry Writing Month occurs, this is a challenge to write 30 poems in 30 days and comes from the NaPoWriMo site. When you participate you are given a prompt every day for 30 days and you can choose to follow the prompt or not. Each prompt has a commentary with it and a style of poetry that you may not be familiar with. I enjoy it because it stretches my creative muscles and helps me organize my thoughts. I also really enjoy a good challenge. There is also an opportunity to read other people's work as they post on their websites and for you to comment on their work, giving them encouragement or offering a suggestion. Care to join me on this journey?

Day 13 Prompt

Today’s prompt comes from the Instagram account of Sundress Publications, which posts a writing prompt every day, all year long. This one is short and sweet: write a poem in the form of a news article you wish would come out tomorrow.

Day 13 Poem

What Tomorrow Brings

The morning mist had yet to dissipate

Luckily the paper delivery person

Had wrapped the Wednesday edition

So that only the plastic bad was damp

I bought it in for my wife to read

Later in the day

As I went to work in the basement

I could hear her wake up

And walk into the kitchen

Where I had left the paper opened

And ready to read

A few minutes later and a few emails ignored

I heard her quiet scream

She opened the door to the basement

And called down for me

Disturbed from my work

Disgruntled I relented and went up

She held the paper out to me

With her outstretched arms

Telling me to read the headline

Tomorrows news today

I asked her what was the fuss

It seemed to be a stunt, a bit odd

For a local paper

But then most of them still printed horoscopes

She kept pointing at the article

And would no say more

So I began reading it with disdain

As my work now was beginning to pile up

The byline had my name

Strange because I was not a reporter

I was not employed by the local rag

So I read further

Supposedly I wrote in better grammar than usual

That starting tomorrow

Which would be Thursday

I would be writing Fridays headlines

I would not be guessing at the future

Rather I would be the gate keeper

I promised what I wrote would happen

As I would be compiling the news Wednesday night

My wife looked into my eyes

Pleading for understanding

I laughed at her prank

And headed back to my den

She grabbed my shoulder and turned me round

And that’s when I confessed

That the work I was doing

Was not for the job

But because I found a way

To see two days ahead

But on the day I wrote about

I would forget the night before

We both decided since the public now knew

And tonight I would forget tomorrow

That we would up our subscription to daily

Just so I would know what happened yesterday

Or that day

Or tomorrow

Reaching Out

To reach out to me, email timothy@createartpodcast.com I would love to hear about your journey and what you are working on. If you would like to be on the show or have me discuss a topic that is giving you trouble write in and lets start that conversation.