April 24, 2024

National Poetry Writing Month Day 23

National Poetry Writing Month Day 23
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Create Art Podcast

What is National Poetry Writing Month?

Welcome, art enthusiasts and wordsmiths alike, to another episode of Create Art Podcast! We are diving headfirst into the enchanting world of poetry as we celebrate National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo). This annual event, which takes place every April, encourages poets and aspiring writers around the globe to embrace their creativity and commit to writing a poem each day for the entire month.

The Beauty of National Poetry Writing Month:

NaPoWriMo, similar to its prose-centric counterpart National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), is a celebration of the written word and the boundless creativity that can flow when one dedicates themselves to a daily practice. Poets of all levels of expertise are invited to take part, from seasoned wordsmiths to those just dipping their toes into the vast ocean of verse.

Create Art Podcast has always been a haven for artists to share their creative processes, and NaPoWriMo offers a unique opportunity for poets to reflect on their craft. With a daily commitment to producing poetry, participants discover new facets of their writing style, experiment with various forms, and explore uncharted emotional territories.

Prompt for today

And now for our (optional) prompt. Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem about, or involving, a superhero, taking your inspiration from these four poems in which Lucille Clifton addresses Clark Kent/Superman.

Poem for Today

Right Bicep  

23 April 24 

The embodiment of vengeance sitting on a throne of the bones of the souls he has damned 

Is embedded on my right bicep 

Part of the right arm of justice 

That I use to correct the wrongs 

That have occurred 

He sits there with a face so dour 

He sits there looking exhausted 

He sits and views all the work left to be done 

It never ends 

This world isn’t fair 

As I teach my children 

But there are those in this world 

That come in after the tragedies 

To make sure they never happen again 

I put you there 

Because I have always desired to be  

An instrument that can dispassionately dole out vengeance 

But I find my emotions take hold 

And I cannot damn another soul for their wrongs 

I am not the judge, jury and punisher 

So, you will have to sit on my arm 

Until I can burn out the emotions 

And one day be like you 

Without a heart 

Without a soul 

Reach Out To The Podcast

To reach out to me, email timothy@createartpodcast.com I would love to hear about your journey and what you are working on. If you would like to be on the show or have me discuss a topic that is giving you trouble write in and let's start that conversation.

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00:00 - None

00:05 - Intro

01:08 - NaPoWriMo Website

04:03 - Todays Prompt

04:27 - Today's poem

07:22 - Find A Podcast About Promo

08:05 - Outro