Oct. 20, 2024

Behind the Mic: Listener Love and Upcoming Creative Endeavors

Behind the Mic: Listener Love and Upcoming Creative Endeavors
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Behind the Mic: Listener Love and Upcoming Creative Endeavors

Create Art Podcast: Listener Reviews and Upcoming Events

Welcome to a special edition of the Create Art Podcast, where we delve into listener reviews and upcoming projects that are stirring excitement. My name is Timothy Kimo Brien, your host, and I'm thrilled to share some heartfelt interactions and future plans with you. As fall graces us here in Fredericksburg, Virginia, bringing its pumpkins, leaves, and crisp weather, it feels like the perfect time to pause and reflect on what we've accomplished together.

Listener Reviews and Acknowledgments

One of the highlights of this podcast journey has been the incredible feedback from listeners and collaborators. Recently, I received a touching message from a long-term listener and fellow collaborator, York Campbell, who runs the Welcome to Earth Stories podcast. York shared his thoughts on my episode about harnessing negativity for creativity, expressing how it resonated deeply with him. Feedback like this reminds me why sincerity and honesty are at the heart of this show.

Additionally, I took the opportunity to share reviews from various guests who have graced the podcast. Dr. Joshua Karbala praised the engaging and comfortable environment we've created here, while Shabana highlighted the inspiration she found in our conversations. It's words like these that affirm the connections and impact we are making.

Upcoming Events and Personal Growth

Looking forward, there are some exciting events and personal milestones on the horizon. I am participating in personal training for my health, tackling hypertension and diabetes, and have found great solace and balance through a 90-day meditation challenge led by Yogi Brian. This practice has brought calmness and clarity, reinforcing my belief in the power of meditation to aid personal development.

In terms of creative projects, November brings National Novel Writing Month, during which I'll be finishing a novel that I started years ago. I also plan on compiling a poetry book comprising five years of poems from NaPoWriMo. On the visual arts front, I'm working on a collage of show art and aspiring to host an exhibition of my string paintings.

New Ventures and Opportunities

I've recently launched TKB Podcast Studio, my podcast consulting agency, already gaining traction with my first client. If you're looking to start your own podcast, I'm here to help you cut through the noise. Furthermore, I'm exploring affiliate partnerships with services like Podcast Beacon, Podmatch, and Pod Page — all of which have significantly enhanced my podcasting experience.

Final Thoughts

The interactions and experiences shared in this post highlight the power of art to connect and inspire. Whether through personal transformation or creative endeavors, every step is about expressing and sharing our journey. I hope you find encouragement in these stories to tame your inner critic and create more than you consume.

If this resonates with you, share this post with friends and let them discover the stories and possibilities that creative involvement can unlock. Remember, as we move forward, keep showing your work, whether it’s writing, music, or podcasting. Encourage yourself and others, and let your art be a testament to your journey and growth.

Thank you for joining me in this reflection and for being a part of this creative community. Feel free to reach out at Timothy at createartpodcast.com. Together, let’s continue to pave the way for art and inspiration.


  1. York Campbell Welcome To Earth Stories
  2. https://www.shebanacoelho.com/catalyst?ref=faraway-is-close.ghost.io
  3. https://www.createartpodcast.com/latest-posts-6/
  4. https://www.createartpodcast.com/latest-posts-2/
  5. https://www.createartpodcast.com/interview-putting-the-spirit-back-into-your-art/
  6. https://www.createartpodcast.com/interview-amy-bernstein-book-coach/
  7. https://www.createartpodcast.com/commentary-hospitality/

How do I get such great guests?

PodMatch I use Podmatch to get the best guests on the show. Check out PodMatch if you want to guest on other podcasts or if you have a podcast and need guests for your show. Guests from Podmatch

Make Sharing your podcast easier

Use Podcast Beacon for the best NFS products to share your podcast while out and about or at conferences.

Reach Out To The Podcast

To reach out to me, email timothy@createartpodcast.com I would love to hear about your journey and what you are working on. If you would like to be on the show or have me discuss a topic that is giving you trouble write in and let's start that conversation.

Create Art Podcast Newsletter


Special Message

If you have found value in this podcast, please share it with a friend as that is the best way to discover new podcasts. I want this to be a 5-star podcast in your eyes so let me know what you would like to see.

Speaking about sharing with a friend, check out my other podcast Find A Podcast About where I help you outsmart the algorithm and find your next binge-worthy podcast. You can find that podcast at findapodcastabout.xyz.

I am trying to utilize YouTube more, so make sure to check out my YouTube Channel to see me doing the episodes right in front of you.


  • The importance of listener feedback was highlighted, emphasizing how it can motivate creators.
  • Ronica shared personal health challenges and the steps taken to improve fitness and well-being.
  • Upcoming events and projects, including National Novel Writing Month, were discussed as opportunities for creativity.
  • York Campbell's listener message emphasized the shared struggle with confidence in creativity.
  • Ronica encouraged engaging with audiences and preserving positive feedback during challenging times.
  • The episode underscored the value of building connections within the podcasting community.

Links referenced in this episode:

Companies mentioned in this episode:

  • Podmatch
  • Yogi Brian

Ronica Merrill

Create art podcast special edition listener reviews and upcoming events.

Ronica Merrill

Hello, friend.

Ronica Merrill

This is Timothy Keemo Bryan, your head instigator for Create art podcast, where I bring my over 30 years of experience in the arts and education world to help you tame your inner critic and create more than you consume.

Ronica Merrill

So here it is.

Ronica Merrill

We're in October where I'm at here in Fredericksburg, Virginia, and fall is, fall has sprung, what can I say?

Ronica Merrill

Pumpkins and leaves and all that kind of good stuff and nice chilly weather.

Ronica Merrill

And I just wanted to do a special episode here for you.

Ronica Merrill

Take a little break from, from make fun a habit and let you know a couple of things that are going on here.

Ronica Merrill

Also, I wanted to do something that I haven't done in the past, which is read a message that I received from a listener, a longtime listener and a fellow collaborator.

Ronica Merrill

And that would be from York Campbell, now York.

Ronica Merrill

He runs the welcome to Earth stories over@welcometoearthstories.com and I have appeared on his show numerous times.

Ronica Merrill

Season seven.

Ronica Merrill

I was the subject of a whole series of a whole season, which blows my mind.

Ronica Merrill

But he recently wrote to me and I just wanted to.

Ronica Merrill

And he was commenting on my previous episode of using negativity, using hate to fuel your creativity.

Ronica Merrill

So without further ado, this is what York wrote me.

Ronica Merrill

Hey Tim, I enjoyed your episode on harnessing Hate.

Ronica Merrill

What I hate about myself is my lack of confidence.

Ronica Merrill

And when you said that about yourself, I could relate.

Ronica Merrill

There are so many things I'll like to do, but, and that's a big but.

Ronica Merrill

My lack of confidence gets in the way and it hijacks everything.

Ronica Merrill

Thanks for your honesty.

Ronica Merrill

That's what I admire about you and your show.

Ronica Merrill

You're always sincere.

Ronica Merrill

Keep on making great episodes, and I'm going to continue on because most of podcasters won't do this.

Ronica Merrill

But he said your last episode had some microphone issues.

Ronica Merrill

You sounded far away from the mic, but in the outro you sounded clearer and louder.

Ronica Merrill

There's also some static forgot you.

Ronica Merrill

Perhaps you forgot to turn off the or turn on the noise gate.

Ronica Merrill

But overall, he enjoyed the episode and happy podcasting.

Ronica Merrill

And I, I just wanted to say, and I replied back to him, naturally, but I just wanted to say that I've been using the same microphone.

Ronica Merrill

The Re 320.

Ronica Merrill

Re 320 is not sponsoring this episode, and I've been using it for so long, it could be an issue with the microphone.

Ronica Merrill

So hopefully this sounds a little bit better.

Ronica Merrill

I've got things turned up the way they should be, but I just wanted to share with you all what he wrote, because it really touches me because I really enjoy listening to his show and I enjoy, obviously, being part of the show.

Ronica Merrill

Thank you, York, for that.

Ronica Merrill

And thank you for being my ears out there in the field letting me know, hey, Tim, you did something a little bit messed up there.

Ronica Merrill

So York, thank you very much for that.

Ronica Merrill

So next up, I'd like to go back to my podmatch site and some of the reviews from the guests that have been on this show.

Ronica Merrill

We'll start with the most recent guest, Doctor Joshua Karbala, and he said that it was a great experience.

Ronica Merrill

Really enjoyed chatting with Timothy.

Ronica Merrill

He was great with making me feel comfortable, ask great questions and all in all, and is an all around great soul to connect with.

Ronica Merrill

Now I use podmatch and I'll talk more about Pod match later, but Pod match gives me great guests to choose from and they connect us up very well.

Ronica Merrill

So definitely if you're a podcaster or if you want to be on podcast, you're going to want to check out Pod match.

Ronica Merrill

And they have a lot of great hosts to interview you.

Ronica Merrill

Or if you are a host, have a lot of great guests to interview.

Ronica Merrill

The next one is Shabbana, which I interviewed way back in July, June, July.

Ronica Merrill

She says, tim was a great, engaging, thoughtful host.

Ronica Merrill

It was wonderful and inspiring experience.

Ronica Merrill

And Shabbat has wonderful, has a wonderful project going on right now, and I'd like to talk about that for just a moment, if I may have.

Ronica Merrill

So this is from her newsletter.

Ronica Merrill

Far away is close, and the title of it is catalyst, journey and ravensong.

Ronica Merrill

And it's a webinar where your voice is catalyst and I will have the links for it.

Ronica Merrill

It's going to be 690 minutes, sessions starting November 16 and ending on the winter solstice.

Ronica Merrill

And it's basically creating your creed.

Ronica Merrill

And if you register October 15, I'm recording this on October 15, but if you register, she has different discounts and you can do a one on one with her.

Ronica Merrill

Links will be on her calendar.

Ronica Merrill

Check it out.

Ronica Merrill

It looks like it's going to be a wonderful event.

Ronica Merrill

It's going to be a bunch of sessions that is going to help you out.

Ronica Merrill

So definitely check out my show notes for it now.

Ronica Merrill

Have the links there for you so that way you can participate in that.

Ronica Merrill

So next up is Kristen Rudberg, and she writes, what a fun interview.

Ronica Merrill

Honestly, we talked about everything from Oscar Wilde to screenwriting Maya Darren to me being kicked out of the library.

Ronica Merrill

What a fabulous platform and a super fun host.

Ronica Merrill

And she also has a podcast, bite sized blessings again, show.

Ronica Merrill

The links will be in the show notes there for you.

Ronica Merrill

And Amy Bernstein is a book coach, and she writes a wonderful, intuitive, free flowing conversation that focused on the essentials around creativity and great questions.

Ronica Merrill

And last and certainly not least, one of my favorite interviewees, Ronica Merrill.

Ronica Merrill

She's been on the show a couple of times now, and she writes, this is one of the most wonderful experiences I've had with a podcast host.

Ronica Merrill

Tim is so kind, smart, and full of deepen wisdom.

Ronica Merrill

What a great person to chat with.

Ronica Merrill

So I bring all of this to you.

Ronica Merrill

Not to brag and not to boast, although I do like butter on my breakfast toast.

Ronica Merrill

Reminds me of an old rap song, if you get it, if you don't, just pass by, it's just him having one of his moments.

Ronica Merrill

But I bring this to you because I want to let you know that in my podcast journey, I have gotten to meet some wonderful people.

Ronica Merrill

Too many to mention at this point, but this is something that I want to do every year, and not just at the end of the year and going, hey, thanks for being on my show, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Ronica Merrill

And then doing that.

Ronica Merrill

I these are their words.

Ronica Merrill

These are not my words.

Ronica Merrill

These are what they are saying about me, which makes me feel great.

Ronica Merrill

And sometimes when you're out there and doing your artwork and all you hear is crickets, you're thinking, am I really getting through to people?

Ronica Merrill

And this tells me that I absolutely am.

Ronica Merrill

Obviously, I have a listener who's a co collaborator that really enjoys what I do and whose work I respect, which is York, and then the people I've met through pod match and who have been on my show.

Ronica Merrill

Ten years ago, I would have never thought that I would have been talking to these people.

Ronica Merrill

I had no idea who they were ten years ago.

Ronica Merrill

And now I have their email.

Ronica Merrill

I can reach out to them at any time.

Ronica Merrill

They can reach back to me.

Ronica Merrill

And it's a wonderful time and a wonderful opportunity.

Ronica Merrill


Ronica Merrill

So I say all this to encourage you to go out there, show your art, whatever it is, be it writing, music, podcasting, whatever it is.

Ronica Merrill

Go out there and interact with your public, with your audience, with your listeners, just like I'm doing here with you right now.

Ronica Merrill

And again, it's not a brag.

Ronica Merrill

It's just I want to share this with you.

Ronica Merrill

It encourages me and I want to encourage you, and that's why I do the shows.

Ronica Merrill

I want to encourage you to show your work, to show that art, and to create more than you consume and tame your inner critic.

Ronica Merrill

It's not just words that I say at the end of the show.

Ronica Merrill

It's something I truly believe in.

Ronica Merrill


Ronica Merrill

At this point now, I'd like to switch gears and talk about upcoming events and things that are going on in my life right now.

Ronica Merrill

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I'm doing personal training, and my first session with personal training ended up me passing out because I've been diagnosed with hypertension, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

Ronica Merrill

So, naturally, my first thing was, let me go get a personal trainer, and let's get on some meds.

Ronica Merrill

And I did all that in the same day.

Ronica Merrill

Big mistake.

Ronica Merrill

Don't do that, folks.

Ronica Merrill

But what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to better myself physically so I can be there for my wife, for my kids, and for you.

Ronica Merrill

Because if I'm laid up, sick in bed, and can't move and can't talk in this microphone, you're gonna be without a podcast.

Ronica Merrill

And we can't let that happen, can we?

Ronica Merrill

So, yeah, some health issues going on there, but they are being taken care of.

Ronica Merrill

And for those of you that have reached out to me through this very socials that I'm on, thank you very much for doing that.

Ronica Merrill

And things are gonna be a okay.

Ronica Merrill

Something that I've done for my mind and for my spirit is I've joined a 90 day meditation challenge by Yogi Brian.

Ronica Merrill

B r y a n.

Ronica Merrill

He spells it incorrectly, but that's okay.

Ronica Merrill

He's a good guy.

Ronica Merrill

And as of today, October 15, I'm about halfway through that 90 day challenge, and basically what I do is I get up, set up my work computer, and I'll do a brain training game.

Ronica Merrill

I'll do Duolingo, learning French, and then I'll do this meditation.

Ronica Merrill

And it has worked wonders for me, and it's brought me a lot of peace, a lot of calmness.

Ronica Merrill

Of course, yes, I have hypertension, high blood pressure, but, hey, I'm a dad of twins, right?

Ronica Merrill

So there we go.

Ronica Merrill

But I highly recommend that you give it a shot.

Ronica Merrill

Try it out for yourselves.

Ronica Merrill

Try meditation out for yourselves.

Ronica Merrill

We've talked about this and make fun habit being present.

Ronica Merrill

And I think back in that episode, I talked about meditation, so give that a shot for yourself.

Ronica Merrill

If you're finding yourself stuck in certain areas or don't know where to go, I always believe that the answer is within all of us, and we can all tap into the collective unconsciousness.

Ronica Merrill

So give it a shot for yourself and see if that doesn't help you out now moving into upcoming projects.

Ronica Merrill

National Novel writing month is coming up in about 16 days.

Ronica Merrill

November 1 is when it starts.

Ronica Merrill

I usually participate in that.

Ronica Merrill

It's also a national podcast post month.

Ronica Merrill

And again, I usually participate in both of those.

Ronica Merrill

But this year, what I'm going to do is I am going to work on novel that I started about three or four years ago, and I want to finish it.

Ronica Merrill

It's at 90,000 words and it's something that I want to finish before I work on the next novel that I didn't finish and then the third novel that I didn't finish.

Ronica Merrill

So I'm going to go back to that novel and I'm going to finish it out.

Ronica Merrill

It's still going to be a rough draft.

Ronica Merrill

I don't know how long it's going to be.

Ronica Merrill

It's probably going to be another 50 to 90,000 words.

Ronica Merrill

But it's not about the words.

Ronica Merrill

It's about the story.

Ronica Merrill

And is it entertaining and does it reach out to you?

Ronica Merrill

So in November, that's what I'm going to be doing.

Ronica Merrill

I don't know how much of that I'm going to share with you, but I would encourage you to check out national novel writing months.

Ronica Merrill

And again, it's in the show notes.

Ronica Merrill

If you want to participate it in yourself, it's free.

Ronica Merrill

You write 50,000 words in 30 days and you have yourself a short novel right there.

Ronica Merrill

So I challenge you.

Ronica Merrill

Give it a shot for yourself.

Ronica Merrill

I'm just going back to finish a novel, so I guess I'm participating in it.

Ronica Merrill

Just finishing off a novel that I had started about three or four years ago.

Ronica Merrill

Something else I'm going to be working on throughout the end of the year.

Ronica Merrill

And I had started, I talked about this back in April, is writing or compiling another poetry book of, for the past five years.

Ronica Merrill

Of all the poems that I've written for Napo Rhaimo, that's national poetry writing month.

Ronica Merrill

And so after November into December, I'll start working on that book and editing those poems down and putting them into a book form and then naturally going ahead and selling that book here on the website.

Ronica Merrill

And hopefully you take a look at that.

Ronica Merrill

Not hopefully, I know you'll take a look at it and read it and let me know which ones are your favorites, because I have a few personal favorites.

Ronica Merrill

And the Friday night poetry open mic that I go to, they have a few of the favorites, too.

Ronica Merrill

So those are the upcoming projects that I have that I'm working with.

Ronica Merrill

I'm also going to do a couple of visual arts projects as well.

Ronica Merrill

One of them is going to be the show art that I create for the episode, art that I create for every episode.

Ronica Merrill

And I want to do a collage of all those.

Ronica Merrill

And so I'm going to be working on that again at the end of this year, beginning of next year.

Ronica Merrill

And I'm also doing a, you know, trying to sketch every day.

Ronica Merrill

I haven't, hasn't worked out too well, but I also want to do a series of those and present those in public.

Ronica Merrill

And then I also am thinking about taking some of my string paintings that I have hanging up on the wall and putting them up at OG's, which is a coffee shop here in Fredericksburg, Virginia, run by my nephew who has been on the show, Mister Ethan Rush.

Ronica Merrill

And or maybe we'll just go ahead and do some prints of them and put them up for sale.

Ronica Merrill

And when that happens, I will definitely let you know.

Ronica Merrill

You will have first crack at it.

Ronica Merrill

If you want to collect some artwork from me that looks like a fourth four year old on crack up made it, by all means.

Ronica Merrill

It's coming soon to a podcast near you.

Ronica Merrill

Alright, I wanted to save this part for the end.

Ronica Merrill

So first, I have started up my own podcasting consulting agency.

Ronica Merrill

It's all called TKB podcast Studio and that's where I help my clients lead through the noise and develop great podcasts.

Ronica Merrill

I already have my first client for them.

Ronica Merrill

If you're thinking about starting a podcast and you want a hand with it, feel free to email me and I'd be happy to help you out.

Ronica Merrill

Timothy at tkbpodcast studio.com is where you can email me at.

Ronica Merrill

And I'm developing the website, so that's also a project that I'm working on.

Ronica Merrill

I have too many projects.

Ronica Merrill

Me next, I did want to let you all know that I have a couple of links in my show notes for a couple of affiliate programs that I'm working with.

Ronica Merrill

One is podcast Beacon and that's where you can have a little watch thing or a little wristband and people can tap their phones on it and go straight to your website, straight to your podcast.

Ronica Merrill

So the links for that, if you're interested, are in the show notes.

Ronica Merrill

I also have a link for Pod match, which is an affiliate link for them.

Ronica Merrill

And again, I highly recommend it.

Ronica Merrill

I the guests that I just talked about a little while ago here, I got all of those off of pod match, so definitely check out Pod match for yourself.

Ronica Merrill

You can use my affiliate link.

Ronica Merrill

Will it give me a little bit of money?

Ronica Merrill


Ronica Merrill

Yeah, why not?

Ronica Merrill

But check that out for yourself and see if that works for you.

Ronica Merrill

And if that helps you out, let me know.

Ronica Merrill

Make sure if you sign up for pod match link up with me because I'm on there as well.

Ronica Merrill

So the last affiliate link that I have is for pod page and that's where I, that service is why my website looks so good.

Ronica Merrill

I don't know how to code.

Ronica Merrill

I don't know what I'm doing with that.

Ronica Merrill

So pod match helps me present my podcast in the best possible light.

Ronica Merrill

So if you're, if you have a podcast and you are looking to do wonderful things with your website, by all means, give that a look see for yourself.

Ronica Merrill

Again with these affiliate links.

Ronica Merrill


Ronica Merrill

Do I get a little bit of dough with that?

Ronica Merrill

Just a little bit?

Ronica Merrill

Yes, if you buy, yes, I get a little bit of a kickback there.

Ronica Merrill

But these are things that I use myself.

Ronica Merrill

And if you have questions about any of these products, please let me know and I'd be happy to talk to you about it and show you what I have.

Ronica Merrill

Heck, I'll even do a zoom zoom call or a teams call with you and show you the backside of it and the behind the scenes stuff.

Ronica Merrill

And I'd be happy to share that information with you if it's going to help you out.

Ronica Merrill

If it's not, then by all means, just hit that skip button for about 30 seconds and you don't need to listen to what I'm saying.

Ronica Merrill

So that's, that's what we have there for you.

Ronica Merrill

So I know I got a lot out of this episode.

Ronica Merrill

I hope you did, too.

Ronica Merrill

And I just want you to get out there and interact with your audience and interact with the people that are buying your work or interested in your work, just like I have, and then do a scrap folder for yourself of when these things come in.

Ronica Merrill

Just put into a little folder and go.

Ronica Merrill

Anytime you're feeling you're hearing more crickets than you are, applause bring these out and let others know about it.

Ronica Merrill

So if you got something out of this, and I know you did, feel free to share it with a friend.

Ronica Merrill

That's the best way to find, to find podcasts.

Ronica Merrill

And just also let you know, too.

Ronica Merrill

I have another podcast called find a podcast about.

Ronica Merrill

You can grab that at find a podcast about XYZ.

Ronica Merrill

And that's where I review other podcasts that are out there.

Ronica Merrill

There's millions of them out there, but I'm bringing you the ones that I feel are binge worthy.

Ronica Merrill

So check out Findapodcast about XYZ and find your next binge worthy podcast.

Ronica Merrill

Outsmart that algorithm, why don't you?

Ronica Merrill

Okay, that's all I have for you today.

Ronica Merrill

Next episode, which will be in two weeks, we'll go back into the make fun a habit.

Ronica Merrill

And I can't wait to go back into that because making fun a habit and this is one of the things that I learned in make fun a habit is when you get responses, when you get feedback, save it and look at it when it's a rainy day.

Ronica Merrill

And for me it was a rainy day when I got diagnosed with hypertension, high blood pressure and diabetes.

Ronica Merrill

So I needed to see all these things and they happened just at the right time.

Ronica Merrill

So go out there, tame that inner critic.

Ronica Merrill

Create more than you consume.

Ronica Merrill

Make some art for somebody you love yourself.

Ronica Merrill

If you want to reach out to me.

Ronica Merrill

Timothy@creatcast.com have a great one.

Ronica Merrill

I'll talk to you soon.