Aug. 22, 2020

Discussion of Political/Protest Art

Discussion of Political/Protest Art
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Create Art Podcast

Christopher Sims discusses his journey from rapper to activist

Christopher "Universoulove" Sims talks with CAP about his journey from being inspired by the first and second generation of rappers, his approach to performance poetry vs slam poetry to the last 5 years of political performance poetry.


Topics Discussed
  • Christopher's initial inspiration
  • Time with Poetic Justice League of America
  • Influence of Saul Williams on his work and performance
  • Performance Poetry vs Slam Poetry
  • 5 Years of writing political pieces
  • Next projects, books, possible Poet Laureate appointment

Need some inspiration?

Make sure you check out our Poetry Page to be inspired by #NaPoWriMo throughout the year. National Poetry Writing Month occurs in April Each year. Check it out and connect with others who share a love of poetry.

Overview of Today's Episode

Discussion with Christopher Sims on how he became an activist through poetry. Find out how you can also use your discipline to create political/protest art.

Create Art Podcast Misson

Welcome friend to Create Art Podcast. Our goal is to help you create more than you consume. We have interviews, conversations, commentary, and projects to energize your creative side. You can create art, let my over 20 years of art experience in various fields help you break loose from the internal critic that plagues us all.

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