Day 14 #NaPoWriMo

Today’s optional prompt asks you, like Alice Notley, to think about your own inspirations and forebears (whether literary or otherwise). Specifically, I challenge you today to write a poem that deals with the poems, poets, and other people who inspired you to write poems. These could be poems/poets/poepl that you strive to be like, or even poems, poets, and people that you strive not to be like. There are as many ways to go with this prompt as there are ways to be inspired.

I’ve Howled Your Name

14 April 20 0838

I look to my right

And your words have been there for over 30 years

My oldest friend

Dead for 50 years

The unlikely one who triggered my imagination

I’ve railed against the academic pillars you helped construct

I’ve removed the esoteric references that others told me confuse my reader, where you spew Greek and Roman mythology

If I’d not been bored that day we met, I’m not sure I’d have been switched on

I’d probably put poetry in a corner and languished in the screw capital, the Forrest city, the town of my birth and originator of my nightmares

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