Feb. 1, 2020

Creativity at Any Age

Creativity at Any Age
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Create Art Podcast

Welcome back friends as we talk about creativity at any age. Today we look at 2 articles that discuss current research about when creativity peaks. Both articles use the same research and approach creativity by talking about the difference between experimental and conceptual creativity thought patterns. I will be commenting on articles I find, mainly through the app Flipboard, but also through other sources. https://flipboard.com/ 

The Ladders article by CW Headly



Psychology Today article by Suan McQullian



The differences between these two types of creativity are really eye-opening. Is age stopping you from creating? Age is just a number, don't let it stop you, don't let lack of experience stop you, don't let conventional knowledge stop you from making your best work. 


Here is my attempt at oil painting after the age of 40, let's see what you have. Create more than you consume. Continue the conversation with us. 






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 #psychology, #creativity, #painting, #oilpainting, #acrylicpainting, #einstein, #woolfe, #grandamamosses, #age, #ageism, #conceptual, #experimental, #flipboard, #family, #art, #artists, #articles, #research, #harvard, #harvardresearch, #inspiration