May 15, 2023

Commentary Wabi-Sabi

Commentary Wabi-Sabi
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Create Art Podcast

Practice Wabi-Sabi

Embracing imperfection is vital to your artistic practice, and embracing that is actually a philosophy called wabi-sabi. My wife gave me a box of cards for the holidays in 2022. I was puzzled because they were creativity cards and I thought, what the heck is this, I don't need them. Well, folks, I was wrong and I will attempt to do a card a week and record an episode about how I am utilizing the card I draw every week if you decide to pick up a deck and do these let me know.

Links on Wabi-Sabi

Wabi-Sabi Definitions

Wabi-Sabi is centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection.[2] The aesthetic is sometimes described as one of appreciating beauty that is "imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete" in nature.[3] It is prevalent in many forms of Japanese art.

Wabi-Sabi Challenge

  • As you design something consider how can you take your cues from nature.
  • How might you and your collaborators embrace wabi-sabi thus opening up space for imperfection?
  • Repair something broken. Perhaps you'll find you'll love it more than ever. Be inspired by kintsugi, a wabi-sabi practice of mending a cracked piece of pottery with gold, reminding us that damage can become a beautiful part of our history.

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