Dec. 8, 2024

Take a Break: How to Find Joy Amidst Life's Challenges

Take a Break: How to Find Joy Amidst Life's Challenges
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Take a Break: How to Find Joy Amidst Life's Challenges

Take a Break: How to Find Joy Amidst Life's Challenges

This episode of the Create Art Podcast centers around the theme of managing stress and rekindling creativity, inspired by Michael Brennan's workbook, "Make Fun a Habit." Timothy Kimo Brien shares his personal experiences with stressors in his life, particularly the challenges of juggling multiple creative projects while balancing family responsibilities. He encourages listeners to identify their own stressors and explore ways to take breaks, such as engaging in relaxing activities and spending time with loved ones. The episode features actionable items and tips on how to incorporate relaxation into daily routines, highlighting the importance of self-care and being kind to oneself. Timothy emphasizes that taking time for creativity and fun is not only beneficial but essential for personal growth and artistic expression.

The episode emphasizes the idea that creativity thrives in an atmosphere of playfulness and relaxation. Timothy articulates the struggles many face in maintaining a balance between responsibilities and personal interests, particularly during the hectic holiday season. He offers valuable insights into his own techniques for unwinding, ranging from music and documentaries to family time and physical fitness. As he shares his journey of self-care, he invites listeners to reflect on their own routines, urging them to carve out time for relaxation and creative expression. The actionable items discussed, such as going for walks in nature, reading, and spending time with loved ones, serve as practical tools to enhance mental well-being and reignite passion for creative endeavors.


  • Identify your biggest stressors and reflect on how they impact your creativity.
  • Taking breaks during the holidays can help you recharge and reduce stress effectively.
  • Engaging in relaxing activities like reading or spending time with loved ones is crucial.
  • Consider practicing meditation or yoga regularly to enhance your mental well-being.
  • Explore creative outlets without the pressure of sharing them with others.
  • Setting aside time specifically for relaxation is essential for maintaining balance in life.

Links referenced in this episode:

Companies mentioned in this episode:

  • Goodreads
  • Pod Match
  • PodBeacon
  • TKB Podcast Studio

Making Fun A Habit Series

30 days to add fun to your creative practice. I will be going through Mike Brennan's Make Fun A Habit workbook and help you make fun a habit. I had the pleasure of interviewing Mike on my other podcast Find A Podcast About and talking about his podcast Creative Chats. This workbook leads you through steps to rekindle the fun in your life and get you into a space where you are your most creative. This is a 30-day book and I will tackle each day as if it were a week and provide insights on how to use his ideas in your creative practice. Each chapter is broken up with a short story, questions to ponder, action items, and tips.



  1. What are your biggest stressors right now?
  2. What can you do to take a break from these stressors?
  3. What activities help you relax and de-stress?
  4. When is the last time you took time off for yourself?

Action Items

  1. Go for a walk in nature
  2. Read a book
  3. Listen to music
  4. Spend time with loved ones
  5. Meditate or do yoga
  6. Get a massage
  7. Do something creative


  1. Set aside a specific time for relaxation
  2. Find activities to help you relax and de=stress
  3. Avoid checking work or email during your relaxation time
  4. Be kind to yourself

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To reach out to me, email I would love to hear about your journey and what you are working on. If you would like to be on the show or have me discuss a topic that is giving you trouble write in and let's start that conversation.

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If you have found value in this podcast, please share it with a friend as that is the best way to discover new podcasts. I want this to be a 5-star podcast in your eyes so let me know what you would like to see.

Speaking about sharing with a friend, check out my other podcast Find A Podcast About where I help you outsmart the algorithm and find your next binge-worthy podcast. You can find that podcast at

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Create Art Podcast Commentary Climb a Mountain hello friend.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

This is Timothy Keem O'Brien, your head instigator for Create Art podcast where I use my over 30 years of experience in the arts and education world to help you tame your inner critic and create more than you consume.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So before we end the year out here in 2024, and I'm recording this in November of 2024, wanted to continue on with Make Fun a Habit series.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And this is from Michael Brennan's book Make Fun a Habit.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And it's a workbook that does just what it says.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

It helps you make fun of habit.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Now, I had the pleasure of interviewing Mike on my other podcast, Find a Podcast about and talked about his podcast, Creative Chats.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So definitely check out his podcast and my other podcast.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Now this workbook leads you through the steps to rekindle the fun in your life and get you into a space where you can be your most creative.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Now, it's a 30 day workbook and what I've done is I've taken each chapter and created a episode out of each chapter.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So each chapter has a little short story to start off with and then it goes into questions to ask yourself, tips for you to think about, and it also gives you action items for you to go ahead and do.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And I really like this because first off, it's a quick read.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I like quick reads, what can I say?

Timothy Keem O'Brien

But I also like it because it gives you a little bit of inspiration to start off with and then it gives you some ideas or tools or an assignment, if you will, to go ahead and try out for yourself.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So let's go ahead and get started with this episode on how to climb a mountain.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And even though the title of the chapter is Climb a Mountain, I think it talks a lot more about stresses in your life.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So let's start off with the questions for this assignment today.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

First question is, what are the biggest stressors in your life right now?

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Well, if you're in the United States, we just had an election earlier this month and that is a huge stressor for me, I can tell you that right now.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

But it's also done with.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So whatever has happened has happened.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

It's in the past and it does cause me some stress for the future.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

But I think if we're just speaking artistically or creatively, I think it's that I have too many projects going on right now and I don't know which one to focus on.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So that's kind of my big stressor right now.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I, you know, I started off with poetry, got into music and theater and all that, and now I'm here.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I am into podcasting, talking with you, and I still want to do all those things, but I just don't have the time because, well, I have a life.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I'm a dad, I'm a husband, I'm a lot of things to a lot of people.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So that's kind of where my stress is right now.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So the next question is, what can you do to take a break from these stressors?

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And, well, the holidays are fast approaching us here in the United States.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

We have.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

We just got done with Halloween and now we're going into Thanksgiving and then Christmas and then New Year's.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So taking a break from the stressors for me is just allowing myself to be quiet, allowing myself not to do anything, which is tough for me.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I don't know if it's tough for you, but I know it's tough for me to not do anything.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

But maybe, you know, get on the PlayStation a little bit more or read, you know, another book or 25, which is what I'm trying to do this week.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So, you know, just taking a break from everything, taking a break from social media and just saying, you know what, I need some me time.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

The next question is what activities help you relax and de stress?

Timothy Keem O'Brien

For me, I like music, I like watching documentaries.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I just got done with two documentaries on Star Trek.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I didn't know there was these two documentaries on there, but it was fantastic because one was talking about, you know, kind of the history of Star Trek from, you know, the very first episodes in the 60s all the Way up until recently.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And then the other one was a documentary by William Shatner on the captains of each of the Star Trek ships.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So for me, that was wonderful.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And then Black Friday is coming up.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

That's the day after Thanksgiving, and that's a day where we can do a lot of shopping.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And so there is a record store day happening.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Unfortunately, I'm going to be working that day and I'm going to be working out that day.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So I won't be able to go to the stores at 5 o'clock in the morning and wait in line, but I can still listen to music anytime I want to.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And these are things that, you know, help me relax and de stress.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I do play a lot of video games, but that seems to cause me a lot of stress because I'm trying, you know, I play Call of Duty, Modern Warfare, Diablo 4.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So I'm hacking and slashing and blowing things up.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So that can be a Little bit stressful, but that's the kind of stress that I like, I guess.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Now the last question is, when is the last time you took time off for yourself?

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Well, I'm actually taking my birthday off.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

That'll be December 19th.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So if you want to send me a card or a gift or anything like that, please go ahead and do that.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I'm not going to say no to that.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

If you want to just send me money, hey, money works too.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Or gift cards.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I'm all good with that.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

But the last time I took time off for myself, I usually take time off to go to doctor's appointments and that kind of stuff.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So I try to every week go out to the poetry readings and the poetry reading here in town and just, you know, kind of support and relax that way.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

But another thing I do, and this is going to sound counterintuitive, but working out and hitting the pool, that's a great way for me to relax.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So I.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And I need to do more of that because I am of a certain age and weight.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So for me, that's something that I need to do every week.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And actually did go to the pool today, and it was packed.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

It was jam packed.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And I know it's going to be jam packed in January with all the people that are, you know, doing their New Year's resolutions to, you know, lose weight and all that kind of stuff.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And in about two weeks to a month, it'll be empty again.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So that's what I'm doing is hitting the gym and hitting the pool and just kind of, you know, allowing my mind to go when I am gasping for breath, shall we say, in the pool.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

All right, so we're going to talk about Mike's action items.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And I really like these because it gives you something to do.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

It gives you an idea of what you can do.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

First idea is go for a walk in nature.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Well, it's getting cold here in Virginia, but cold is a relative term.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So actually going for that walk around the neighborhood or with a bunch of trees around, that is a great idea, and that is probably something I should be doing more of.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

The next idea Mike gives us is read a book.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So I have on my phone an app, Goodreads.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Maybe you have it on your phone, too, and that tracks my reading.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And you can set a goal up for yourself.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Every year, I usually put 25 books a goal for me, and right Now I'm on 23 of 25.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So I've read a bunch of books.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Now, granted, most of the books that I'M reading are poetry magazines that are about 80 to 100 pages long and the Paris Review, which is a literary journal.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And that one's about 350 pages long, 250 to 300 pages long.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So, you know, at least 12 of the books that I'm reading, probably 16, 14 to 16 of the books that I'm reading are literary journals.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

But I do have other books that I do enjoy reading.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And I'm actually getting ready to read a Seth Godin book on strategy.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And I have some John Coltrane biographies that I'm going to be reading in the near future as well.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Next up is number three, which is Listen to Music.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So right behind me, and you probably can't see it right now, but I have a turntable with about 500 records there.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Most of them are jazz records.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And I have a bunch that I haven't listened to.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So that's something that I need to do is while I'm working on my day job, having that music playing in the background.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And that's something that I picked up during the pandemic, besides Covid, but a definite love of vinyl and exploring more jazz music.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So definitely listen to music.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Music does soothe the savage breast, as they say.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So give that a try, Give that a shot for yourself.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Next up is number four, spend time with loved ones.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So, yeah, my.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I have twin 10 year olds, so they're here all the time.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

But most of my family lives across the country, so for me, that's a little bit difficult to do.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

If they come and visit, fantastic.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

But usually I'm spending it right here with my family, my immediate family.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So I spend a lot of time with loved ones.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Maybe too much time, who knows?

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Okay, number five is meditate or do yoga.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Now that's something that I started.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I'm getting ready to finish a 90 day challenge for meditation.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And I gotta say, it really is doing good things for me.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

It's kind of mellowing me out a little bit and getting me more in touch with myself.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So I can definitely recommend the meditation, the yoga, it reminds me too much of yogurt and I like Greek yogurt.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So, you know, if you can do yoga, by all means.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I would love to get into a tai chi class in the near future as well as doing my meditation and my working out five days a week.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So that's something that I'm going to be looking at in 2025.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Oh my God, we're already talking about 2025, aren't we?

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Okay, number six is get a massage.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I Do that every other month.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And I have my masseuse here in town, and I gotta tell you, I really enjoy it.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Yes, my body feels good, but the conversation that I have with my masseuse is usually pretty good.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So, you know, get a massage to relax your muscles, but also get a massage to relax your mind.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

If you have a good masseuse, it means the world.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So definitely do a favor for yourself and go get yourself a massage.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And then his last action item is do something creative.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Oh, I don't know, like, make a podcast and call it Create Art Podcast.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Do something creative.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Even if it's something that you're not going to give to anybody else or have it viewed publicly, just go do something creative for you.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I mean, that's why I always end the show the way I do.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

You know, go make something for somebody you love yourself.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Do something creative for yourself right here, right now.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

You can put this podcast on pause right now.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Go do something creative and then come back and then email me and thank me for that.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Okay, now we're going to go on to the tips that he gives us.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

First tip is set aside a specific time for relaxation for me.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I do my meditations usually the mornings before everybody gets up.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I do a brain training game, and then I do do a lingo to learn French, and then I'll do my meditation.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Today I'm running a little bit late on my meditation, but after I get done recording this, definitely I will go ahead and do some meditation as well.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And that's just, you know, that's not being selfish.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

That's just taking care of yourself.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And that's the most important thing to do.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Number two is find activities to help you relax and de stress.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So that could be going for a walk, reading a book, listening to music, spending time with loved ones.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

All of the action items are activities that you can do to relax and de stress.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

If you have others that you do and you want to share it with me, feel free to email me.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I'd love to hear about it.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Okay, next up is avoiding checking work or email during your relaxation time.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And that is a tough one for me because I have my phone nearby at all times.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I work in my home office, so I get constantly pinged for this, that, and the other thing.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And I'm always like, you know, this meeting could have been an email or do I have to go do this in person?

Timothy Keem O'Brien

You could have just done virtually.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

But turning off the phone, turning off the notifications, you don't need them.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Nobody's going to die if you don't answer that Facebook post or if you don't watch that TikTok video, just turn it off for a while and allow yourself to relax.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Be selfish with your time.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

If you're going to think you're selfish, I give you permission.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Be selfish with your time.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Okay, the last thing for the tips number four is be kind to yourself.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Nobody else is going to be kind to you.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I'll be kind to you.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I mean, I like you, you're fine.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

But be kind to yourself.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

First and foremost, you deserve it.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

You know, you're listening to this podcast looking for creativity and inspiration and so you're already kind of being kind to yourself in that aspect.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

But find different ways to be kind to yourself by doing any of the, you know, the action items that's being kind to yourself.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

You deserve it.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And if you don't feel you deserve it, then you especially deserve it.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

That is a sure sign that means you need to be a lot more kind to yourself.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Alright, so that is our episode for today on, you know, dealing with those stressors and taking good care of yourself.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Now I just want to let you know that I appreciate each and every one of you.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I hope you all have a great holiday season.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And if you'd like to reach out to me, you can email me.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Timothy create art and I want to hear about your journey.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I want to know what you're working on.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I've had people reach out to me and say, hey, this person would be a great guest on your show and guess what?

Timothy Keem O'Brien

They were great guest on my show.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So definitely feel free to email me.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I'm not going to bite your fingers off, I promise.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I might nibble on them, but I'm not going to bite them off and only if they're clean.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So make sure you wash your hands before I nibble on your fingers.

Timothy Keem O'Brien


Timothy Keem O'Brien

Now if you found any value in this podcast and I'm going to ask you to go ahead and share it with a friend because that's the best way to discover new podcasts.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

You know, I really want this to be a five star podcast in your eyes.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So let me know what you'd like to see.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Give me the good critique, give me the bad critique.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Feel free to email me on that.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I want to make this your go to podcast, that every time an episode comes out you're like, yeah, I gotta listen to it.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

He's gonna have something really cool to say or really stupid to say or something that I need to hear.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So definitely reach out to me, let me know and share the podcast if you got something out of it, because I know you did.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Because you keep on coming back.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I know you keep on coming back.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

It's weird and I appreciate that.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Speaking about sharing it with a friend, I have another podcast.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

It's called Find a Podcast about.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And that's where I help you outsmart the algorithm and find your next binge worthy podcast.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

You can find it at Find a Podcast About XYZ now this is the part of the show where I tell you how I get great guests because I have had a ton of great guests in this past year or two.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I use a service called Pod Match.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And what Pod Match does is it matches up guests with hosts and you know, you fill out a profile and you guys match up and you have a wonderful interview.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So check it out in the show notes.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I have my affiliate link for that.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So if you do sign up through my affiliate link, just let you know.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I get a little bit of a kickback.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Not a whole lot, but what I found for me cost me six bucks a month.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And I have gotten such great guests and such wonderful friends that do listen to the show.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So definitely check it out for yourself at Pod Match.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Now, if you're a podcaster, I use a service called PodBeacon.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And basically what it is, it looks like a little wrist, a little wrist watch.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And what it is is the NFL s NFC A little device there and somebody can wave their phone over the top of it.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And I'll take you right to your podcast website.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So definitely if that's something that you want to do, if you're tired of business cards or you're tired of saying, hey, go to this website, blah blah, blah, blah, blah blah blah.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Use this word on your wrist and you know they can put your logo on it.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And it's made by a really good friend of mine, Matthew Passey.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Wonderful guy.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So definitely check out my affiliate link there and find out all you can about Podcast Beacon.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Lastly, to remind you that this is a production of TKB Podcast Studio, you can find it at TKB Podcast Studio Calm.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And that has my whole portfolio of all the podcasts that I work on and I am taking clients.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So if you have an idea for a podcast, you want to get it started up or you know, you want to hear what I've been doing outside of create our podcast, go to TKB Podcast Studio Calm.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And like I said, you can hear everything that I've been doing.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I do a lot more than just this show.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I do find a podcast about cannabis stories.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I do some shows for the federal government, and I have a couple of clients that I'm working with right now that have wonderful shows out there.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

So definitely check all those out for me.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

All right.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

We're at that part of the show where I let you go get back on with your day.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

And when I get back on with my day again, I want to thank you for listening and for your continued support.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

I hope you have a wonderful and creative holiday season.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Now go out there and tame your inner critic.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Create more than you consume.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Go out there and make some art for somebody you love yourself.

Timothy Keem O'Brien

Talk to you again next time.